The trouble with the floats
Floating point variables are weird.
- Their representation is not intuitve.
- You need to take special care if you want to compare them.
- Their exactness reduces with every step away from 0.
- Most of the time we use them although, we actually do not need them.
The Demoscene
Before we delve deeper into the matter, please watch the following video. Not only to set the scene, but also to emphesize the feats the demo scene routinley creates.
A Mind Is Born, for the code, visit the author's site: linusakesson.net. LED Debugging in Space
There are to my knowledge, few languages and frameworks, that provide the documentation detail that Microsoft provides for the .Net Standard. and its languages. However, it is far more important in the hardware domain to have adequate documentation. An example for such a datasheet is Ambiq Micro’s Documentation for the Apollo MCU.
The Cores behind the core-dump
This schema was taken from ed-thelen.org. Thelen also gives a more detailed description including the hysteresis of the cores.