A big part of my fascination of technology and its developmental history is its fleetingness. Why was the previous state of the art not good enough, more explicit: What were the reasons why new ideas superseded the old concepts and their implementing technology?

My goal with this blog is to

As you might have noticed, this post is titled “Ephemeral Technology and Cybersquatting”, not “Fleeting Technology”. I pondered for a time, what to call this blog and if I even wanted to go forward with this project. A week before I decided on the url of this blog, I looked up possible versions. My first choice “ephemeral.technology” was still free at the time.

But a day later, as I wanted to actually register the domain, it was not anymore. This could be a coincidence, but who knows? This forced me to use my second choice fleeting.technology.

However this was, in hindsight, the better choice. The url is far easier to enter, additionally there is no connection to crypto and instant messaging. Read you next time!